dog grooming salon ideas

At-Home Dog Grooming Salon Ideas: 13 Must-Have Products!

Thinking of grooming your dog at home?! It is THE best way to save money, bond with your furry friend, and get them the grooming experience they deserve. As a doodle dog owner, my grooming bills were around $250 each time to get a full blowout! Though your grooming bill might not be so high, they do add up. Plus, you don’t really know what happens behind that wall! So… I started at-home grooming and it entirely changed the experience for both me and my dog. 

This post will go over the 19 must-have products to start your very own dog grooming salon at home. There definitely is an initial start-up cost, but then, it becomes smooth sailing once your space is set up for success. You can make it as affordable or luxurious as you want but know that better-quality products do not need to be replaced as often.  

These products are all from Amazon. I do not receive affiliate income on any of these links, just want to share products that are easily accessible and convenient for all!

This post is all about must-have products for beginner at-home dog grooming!
dog grooming salon cleaning checklist

Big Ticket Items

#1: Dog Bath

Whether you have a big or small dog, it’s good to have a separate dog bath that fits their size. This one is our favorite because it fits big dogs up to 150 lbs, has a non-slip floor, has leash restraints, and has easy draining.

Having a separate dog bath is helpful in SOO many ways, from the actual washing to cleaning up. However, if you have a shower, bathtub, or sink (for small dogs), they will work as well. A lot more wiggling and cleanup of both you and your space, but it could do!

#2 Dog Grooming Strap

This is the strap you often see at professional groomers. They help to keep your dog steady while trimming or brushing! If you have a squirmish dog or one that is too curious, this is definitely a must-have. It comes so in handy if used properly.

#3 Towels (+ Laundry Basket)

Towels and a designated laundry basket are always a must-have for us! You will use a lot of towels, that will inevitably need to be cleaned! Even if you have a professional blow dryer, you will need towels to dry them off right when they finish.

I’ve learned that having a designated laundry basket (that is collapsible!) is extremely helpful in a pinch when you haven’t done your own laundry, and have a pile of wet towels lying around. 

A tip that has been helpful for us is to shield them with a towel when they inevitably shake off if you are in a confined space like your bathroom, for the sake of your room and walls! 

#4: Hair Dryer

A hairdryer is extremely helpful in speeding up the grooming process. It makes drying your wet dog a breeze. The challenge is if you can get your dog to be okay with the loud noise and sensory overload! It takes lots of time and treats to get them to used to it, but it is worth it in the long run. 

If you’re not in a rush or having too much trouble with getting your pup used to the dryer, air drying works just fine. However, know that it will take MUCH longer!

#5 Storage Drawer

This is a necessity in our eyes. Having a storage drawer, preferably rollable, will be a lifesaver when you’re trying to corral your dog along the process of bathing to blow drying. If you are not fully prepared with the items right by your side, you will be scrambling to look in all drawers/cabinets mid chaos. We have a cute bar cart that just sits in our bathroom, ready to pull out whenever Jill needs grooming. If you have a tight space, using stackable containers works great as well, as long as all the products are in one location, ready to go.

dog grooming spa ideas

All The Small Things!

There are a few small things that you will need and use every time:

  • Fine tooth comb
  • Slicker Brush
  • Scissors
  • Razor with different razor sizes
  • Nail trimmers
  • Nail grinder

Fortunately, there are many grooming kits out there just for these items. This one has been our go-to, as it is both comprehensive and wallet-friendly. Eventually, things do get dull and you will need to sharpen or buy new supplies. However, this is a great starting point!

#7 Shampoo & Conditioner

You will need a good dog-friendly shampoo and conditioner, depending on your dog’s coat. Some dogs do not need conditioner, and for others, it’s a must! There are many many good options out there, but here’s the one currently in our rotation.

This one can also be catered to your dog’s specific needs, from allergies to long hair. There are anti-itch shampoo and conditioners if your pup has allergies. Detangling shampoo and conditioner if your dog has long hair. The list goes on and most of them work wonderfully.

#8 Styptic Powder

When it comes to nail trimming, everyone always talks about not getting your nail vein. Styptic powder is used if you accidentally knick your dog’s nail vein. It is inevitable that when you start cutting their nails yourself, you will most likely come close or knick them once or twice. When this happens, you always want to have styptic powder available and ready to go. Hold a little bit where it is bleeding, and it will stop the bleeding pretty quickly. 

#9 Ear Cleaning Solution (+Cotton Swabs)

Your dog will need routine ear cleanings. There will be dirt and build up in there, that if left uncleaned, can lead to ear infections. Always use an ear cleaning solution as directed and clean any excess out with a cotton swab.

It is important that you do not wash their ears with water. Water does not evaporate well in their ears, and can make them more prone to bacteria entering or growing in their ear. 

dog grooming salon

For Your Safety and Cleanliness!

#10 Apron

Unless you want your clothes all wet and full of hair, you should wear a waterproof apron! This will ensure your clothes stay clean and hopefully have no permanent stains.

When I first started at home grooming, I didn’t have one and would walk out drenched and full of hair stuck to me. I then had to take a shower no matter what my plans were that day because I was a mess… Learn from me and get a waterproof apron!

#11 Masks

There is something called Groomer’s Lung, which is where you are not able to breathe as well due to all of the hair particles and other particles that come up throughout the grooming process. Due to this common issue, it is recommended to always wear a mask, especially during the actual grooming process. Whether it be a disposable mask or a reusable one, you should always wear one.

#12 Gloves

Waterproof, exfoliating gloves can be extremely helpful during the bathing process. This helps with getting every single spot, and helps to not dry out your hands too much throughout the process! Would definitely recommend it when starting your at-home grooming journey, to ensure they are getting the best clean the first time around.


Though there are a few pieces you have to buy in the beginning, they often last very long and will get you through every single process when grooming your furry friend. It can be expensive but will save you in the long run, compared to spending so much each time at the groomer’s. 

Don’t skimp out on the products that you don’t think you’ll need. Trust us, you do not want to burn yourself out the first few times and dread ever grooming them yourself again, get everything on here, ready to use. Plan accordingly, and you will be set up for success. 

If you need help throughout the grooming process on what steps to take, check out this other article that includes a free printable on the procedure of a full wash day!

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